Upon issuance of your digital badge, you will receive an email on how to claim and share your badge. This email will include a personalized badge URL, a link to share your badge to LinkedIn, and instructions on how to obtain a temporary password to log in to your BadgeCert account.
If your certification is active and you've accepted your license, but you did not receive the email from BadgeCert, you can attempt to reset your password by following these steps:
- Visit the BadgeCert Account login page
- Select Forgot password?
- On the Reset Password page, enter the email that is associated with your Scrum Alliance profile.
- If you entered the correct email, you will see a message in green text that says, “Password reset link has been sent to [your email].”
- Check your email for a message from badging@scrumalliance.org with the subject line “Badgecert.com password reset.” Follow the link in the email to reset your password.
- If you receive the error: “Input emailAddress is not valid,” please confirm your certification is active and that you have accepted your license.
- If you have confirmed that your certification is active and that the license has been accepted but still receive the error, please contact support@scrumalliance.org.
Now that you have access to your digital badges, begin sharing your certifications to your social and professional networks!