If your card is being declined when attempting to make your renewal payment, please ensure the following:
- You have entered the correct credit card number and expiration date
- You have enough funds to make the transaction (all transactions are made in USD)
If your card is still being declined, we advise that you contact your bank or card issuer directly to ensure that the transaction may be authorized; declines may occur based on location and/or certain fraud rules your bank has in place.
If you're using a company card, we advise you to contact your accounting or IT team to authorize the transaction; there may be certain restrictions on the card that may prevent you from making the charge.
Please note that Scrum Alliance uses a third-party payment system for renewal purchases, and our support team may not be able to fully confirm the reason why your credit card is being declined. In most cases, we do advise that you contact your bank to learn more about why the transaction may be getting declined.